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Dumpster Fire Banana Squad

Dumpster Fire Banana Squad [DFBS] is a North American Casual static that clears Wings 1-7 on a weekly basis (1 evening for Heart of Thorns, and 1 evening for Path of Fire).
Comprometido North America Visita Discord Caephire.5238

Dumpster Fire Banana Squad [DFBS] is a North American Casual static that clears Wings 1-7 on a weekly basis (1 evening for Heart of Thorns, and 1 evening for Path of Fire).

We are a group dedicated to consistent clears and having a good time. We aim to be efficient in both clear time and social fun.

This static is comprised of LGBTQ+ and Ally friendly individuals, as well as very knowledgeable and fun folks that just want to meme our way to victory.

What we Offer:

  1. A safe space for individuals from all walks of life.
  2. Spreadsheets.
  3. Hardcore Memes. Not Strats ... Memes.


Heart of Thorns: Monday: Wings 1-4 (No Escort) at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. Path of Fire: Saturday: Wings 5-7 (No Gate) at 8:30 PM Eastern Time.
